March 2006 Editorial

This will be the third spring LQ is published, and it’s got me thinking about what LQ needs to thrive.

I started this magazine with three goals—to promote lesbian-owned businesses like my own, to foster lesbian pride and community and to satisfy a lifelong passion for writing.

Goal one has come a long way. Quite a few lesbian businesswomen have taken the opportunity to promote their businesses, events and projects within LQ, and some have purchased ads to help pay LQ’s printing costs.

Goal three has blossomed beyond my wildest imaginings. Contract writing has become a successful part of my existing database consulting business. While not directly related to my writing in LQ, I know there is something powerfully magical in making space for one’s own unique voice and truth.

Goal two has not seemed to come very far in the same time period. I’ve met a lot of neat women, and heard about some great events and resources, but have been writing LQ in a vacuum, putting it out with no idea of any connections it has fostered between lesbians.

I know in my bones that much of the queer and post-modern agendas leave lesbians out, by erasing and devaluing the important ways we have unique needs, challenges and styles. This makes me a little unfashionable and I embrace that. I believe that lesbians still need places to hear our own voices and see our own realities reflected. I’d like to continue to provide a space where lesbians can read about themselves as heroines and be honoured for their contributions.

So, this edition I put out a call for more lesbian writers and artists to contribute content. I was delighted at the results and hope you will be too. To make room for their contributions, the lesbian resource section is taking a break this edition. If you miss it, let me know. I also invite you to support LQ by taking a minute to answer our readers survey to help us learn a bit about what information our readers want and what kinds of ads are appropriate for LQ readers.

A lesbian publication like LQ allows us to make a big deal about all the amazing lesbians out there, and remind ourselves that we’re amazing too. Thank you for your support.
– Sophia Kelly, Publishing Editor.