Summer 2007 Issue

Rosie the riveter.This quarter we’re talking about favourite lesbian owned and women-owned businesses in BC. Also see our usual features the Lesbian Agenda, and Ongoing Lesbian Events. I’ve also catalogued all the lesbian-owned and women-owned businesses mentioned on the site, and you can see all of them by clicking on the links above, at lower right, or at the bottom of some articles. As well, we have an article about the new out and proud lesbian dragonboat team, Sisters in Synch and about Lesbians in the News. A special welcome to Lesbian Quarterly supporting business and psychotherapist Linda Dame, now featured on the Ongoing Lesbian Events page.

In case I don’t get the review written in time, my new favourite book with lesbian characters is Fire Logic, part of the ‘Elemental Logic’ series by Laurie J Marks. The central love story is between two women, set in a culture which seems to be flexible in it’s family structures and much lower in sexism than our own. The lesbian and gay and straight romances are woven into a story full of intuition, magic, integrity and bravery. Okay, I’m a computer nerd and like sci-fi and fantasy, which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but really, spending some time in this world is good for the soul. I read it twice. In a row. Fortunately, the third book in the series is due out this July.