Lesbian Cancer Survivor Group
Are you a lesbian cancer survivor?
⇒ The Cancer Support Network is hosting online and teleconference support groups for lesbian
and bi-sexual cancer survivors.
⇒ The six-week pilot support groups are being held this fall and will be facilitated by an
experienced lesbian peer support facilitator. All you need is a Telephone or Internet Access to
connect from the comfort of your own home.
If you are interested in learning more, or participating in this pilot, please contact:
Kathy Thompson
OBCIEP Project Coordinator
Phone Toll Free: 1-888-837-9071
Website: www.cancersupportnetwork.ca
The Ontario Breast Cancer Information Exchange Partnership (OBCIEP) is hosting the Cancer
Support Network pilot of teleconference and online support groups with other partners that include
the Canadian Cancer Society, the Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada, Lung Cancer Canada,
Ovarian Cancer Canada, Wellspring and the Odette (Sunnybrook) Cancer Centre