Advertize in Lesbian Quarterly

Lesbian Quarterly accepts classified ads,  banner ads, text links and sponsored posts from advertisers relevant to our audience which includes queer, bi, trans and lesbian women. We particularly welcome ads from businesses, brands and organizations in the British Columbia, Canada region. Lesbian, bi and queer women consumers are very loyal to supportive brands.

Current rates are as follows:

Classified ads 

Currently FREE for the following categories: help wanted, events, housing, dating. For sale ads and business commercial ads are $30/year. Text to include an excerpt of 50 words, and then may have a longer full post and one image. A reasonable number of links to ways to contact the advertiser (facebook profile or page, instagram, email or contact page of website) are permitted.  Ads will be displayed in a classified section and may be featured in other locations at the discretion of the editor. 

Banner Ads

$100 for 6 months placed on the home page under ‘sponsors’. Queer-owned business and nonprofits may be eligible for discount, subject to editorial discretion.

Text links

$30 for 6 months places on the home page under ‘sponsors’  Queer-owned or co-owned businesses are listed both on the home page and on a special business listing for the same price.

Links in existing articles

$50 – at editors discretion, do-follow links, but may be introduced as sponsored within text, guaranteed to remain for a minimum of 2 years.

LQ is marketed to a lesbian audience and gets an average of 500 views a month. The domain has been in operation for more than 10 years and is actively maintained. Over 60% of our landing traffic is from direct visits rather than search, and so are targetted traffic from this particular audience of queer women we promote to. If you want to reach lesbians and queer women, this is where to advertise. If your business offers services or products of special interest to queer women, then talk to us about combining your ad with an article showcasing that. Free ads may be available for local non-profits or artists at the discretion of the editor.

You can reach our editor with any questions at or respond below.

Contact LQ for Ads