Author: editor

Summer 2007 Issue

This quarter we’re talking about favourite lesbian owned and women-owned businesses in BC. Also see our usual features the Lesbian Agenda, and Ongoing Lesbian Events. I’ve also catalogued all the lesbian-owned and women-owned businesses mentioned on the site, and you can see all of them by clicking Read more

In Other Words – Lesbians in the News

The achievements of lesbians do get reported in the news. They aren’t always labeled as or celebrated as lesbians, which is a pity, since I believe it’s credible to assume that our successes, when made public, help break down public stereotypes about lesbians. I found two recent Read more

Favourite Women-Owned Businesses in BC

I was sitting in one of my favourite restaurants, a little diner within walking distance of my house called Docker’s Diner. Joanne Agreometros, the owner, came by as usual to chat with my wife Jeanette and I and we got talking about how she started Read more

Three Year Anniversary Issue

Welcome to Lesbian Quarterly’s rebirth online in our third year. In this issue: Challenges Together: Rhizome Cafe Catherine McNeill (poetry) – let us give thanks Lisa (Annuska) van der Pol (business update)- Boogy Woogy in Victoria Sophia Kelly – (poetry) You touch Ongoing Lesbian Events The Lesbian Agenda Read more

Challenges Together – Vinetta Lenavat and Lisa Moore of Rhizome Cafe

It’s Tuesday night and the Rhizome Cafe at 317 E Broadway near Main is bustling with activity. The glassed-in meeting room has a group of people clustered around a table, meeting. Lisa Moore is in the kitchen preparing food, while Vinetta Lenavat greets their guests.  Read more

let us give thanks

Written by Catherine McNeil her again. i return to her as if for the first time. not seeing clearly. the sun shines while the rain falls. she was born protected under a purple marten’s wing. the day lightening struck the water tower   the townspeople Read more

Print Archives

The following pdf files are the e-versions of Lesbian Quarterly, from before it became web based. It was distributed in print in Vancouver for the first few years.

  • LQ 1 March 2004 – This was the first version, created as an ad-circular for the GLBA women’s breakfast group for international women’s day
  • LQ 2 June 2004 – This is the first edition in the new format
  • LQ 3 Sept 2004
  • LQ 4 E-Version December 2004 | LQ 4 Print Version December 2004
  • LQ 5 E-Version March 2005 | LQ 5 March 2005 Print Version
  • LQ 6 E-Version June 2005
  • LQ 7 E-Version September 2005
  • LQ 8 E-Version December 2005 | LQ 8 Print Version December 2005
  • LQ 9 E-Version March 2006
  • LQ 10 E-Version June 2006
  • LQ 11 E-Version September 2006
  • LQ 12 E-Version December 2006
  • December 2006 Editorial

    Twas the night before deadline and LQ wasn’t even close to ready to go out. It’s been a busy few months, and I haven’t had time to beat the bushes for articles or ads, or to write much.

    September 2006 Editorial

    Our wedding approaches and to our astonishment, half the guests will be relatives. It’s amazing how transformative this process has been for us and our families. My mother has come out to all her friends and co-workers as having a lesbian daughter. To hear her Read more

    Butch Bra Shopping

    Butch Bra Shopping

    Guest writer Shep Wildwood * gives her solution for bra shopping for the butch gal.

    Have you ever taken a look through your drawers and wondered about the bras in there? You have six different sizes and none of them seem to fit right. An undershirt won’t work for sports. You need a new bra