Author: editor

June 2006 Editorial – Summer

Proud to be part of the solution… What’s your approach to making the world a better place? Pat Hogan and Clare Robson make a difference by organizing a conference for older lesbians and Annuska van der Pol seeks to understand the landscape of her new Read more

Fabulous Lesbian Weddings—

Planning a wedding? Wondering where to go that will treat you like the blushing bride you are? After a year and a half long engagement, my partner Jeanette and I are getting married this fall and we’re in the midst of planning everything. Here’s my Read more

West Coast Gathering & Conference of Lesbians 50+

Pat Hogan and Claire Robson’s yearly conference for older lesbians in Vancouver, BC

Rhizome Cafe

New lesbian-owned café at 317 East Broadway in Vancouver. After two years of planning, consultation and looking for just the right space, Lisa and Vinetta of Rhizome Café are set to open their doors mid June. The couple plans to open the café to progressive Read more

March 2006 Editorial

This will be the third spring LQ is published, and it’s got me thinking about what LQ needs to thrive. I started this magazine with three goals—to promote lesbian-owned businesses like my own, to foster lesbian pride and community and to satisfy a lifelong passion Read more

Changes Never End: My Life as a Stand-Up Comic

By Marylee -Stephenson, M.A., Ph.D. Whenever I appear as a standup comic I introduce myself as “the only 62-year-old-Lesbian-comic-with-a-Ph.D.!”