Lesbian Cancer Survivor Group

Are you a lesbian cancer survivor? ⇒ The Cancer Support Network is hosting online and teleconference support groups for lesbian and bi-sexual cancer survivors. ⇒ The six-week pilot support groups are being held this fall and will be facilitated by an experienced lesbian peer support Read more

BOLD beautiful lesbian

BOLD beautiful Lesbian holding my hand walking sprightly with me down the Drive    we unfettered by the stares we usually garner in the Kit’s Area, enjoy each other like minded women walk as well hand in hand women “from the club” laugh and live Read more

Lesbian Traveling

by Tania Zulkoskey When you are lesbian and traveling with your partner outside of a Pride Weekend celebration, even if you manage to locate a LGBT friendly venue, whether it be a bed and breakfast or café, chances are, you are on your own taking Read more

September Editorial

Well, here we are at the 19th edition of Lesbian Quarterly. Fall, well yes, it does feel like fall, now. We’ve got elections coming up here in Canada, and I can’t be the only one waiting to see if the US claws itself out of Read more

If Obama wins I might visit the US again

I received a link to this video recently, which gives excerpts from speeches given by Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama. Now, I’m always keen to have women in political power, so was hopeful Hilary Clinton would be nominated, but after viewing this video, I was Read more

Pride Parade Entry Basics for Straight People

Some friends and I went early to the Vancouver pride parade on Sunday to get a good seat to watch the parade. Sitting there for what seemed like 6 hours, I had lots of time to reflect on the most common mistakes straight-run companies and Read more

Lesbian Couple Marry in Bountiful – Both brides are Winston Blackmore ex-wives

Well how’s that for bucking the patriarchy in it’s own backyard. Two women who were forced by their families to be ‘celestially married’ to Bountiful polygamist community leader Winston Blackmore, have chosen to legally marry one another. The Vancouver Sun reported in June of last Read more

(Bio) Diesel Dykes

This week, the wife and I upgraded from our 50% biodiesel blend to 100%. Our car is now 100% carbon neutral. We bought an old (1983) Mercedes diesel a year ago, specifically to run it on biodiesel. A lot of people aren’t aware about biodiesel. Read more

Local Lesbian Duo Writes Pride Song for Vancouver and 7 other Cities

[Editor Note: I received this email from Marlee and Tully of Sugarbeach, who have some great news to announce. Congratulations! – Editor] Hey Sophia! Hope you gals are doing well! We thought we’d send you this as it might interesting to you. We have just Read more

The Original Meaning of Mother’s Day

While I think my own mother likes Mother’s Day as it is, it is interesting that the early mothers’ days were more about mothers as activists rather than individuals.   While various holidays celebrating mothers have occurred through history, Mother’s Day as it is celebrated in Read more